Max Savikangas
(musical composition)
Juha-Pekka Hotinen
and Teemu Mäki
(script, visualization and direction)

The main theme
of our opera is violence. Violence has
numerous forms, some obvious and explicit,
some structural, hard to recognize and
difficult to measure. In our opera, we are
not so much dealing with the obvious forms
of violence, for example war and slavery.
Instead, we are focusing on the violence
that is hiding in the structures of economy
and culture, and in our common patterns of
thought and mechanisms of emotion. This
structural, often invisible violence the
widest-spread and the most influential
branch of violence. The explicit bursts of
violence are merely by-products of it.
One perspective into violence in
our opera is political, even downright
Marxist. According to it the main form of
violence is the exploitation that is built
into the structure of capitalist economy.
This means that violence is first and
foremost a utility tool – a means of gaining
calculable profit.
Another perspective into violence
in our opera is psychological, even
downright psychoanalytical, according to
which violence is first and foremost a form
of sex drive or its sublimation. In this
thinking it is thought that for the
aggressor – and occasionally for the victim
too – violence can be a end in itself,
pleasurable as such.
Our opera asks: How do these
various forms of and motivations for
violence connect?
Our opera tries to be a truly
multidisciplinary gesamtkunswerk, where
various branches of expression (music, text,
acts, acting, visuality etc.) are of equal
importance. We present a vision of what
opera as an art form could be like if
it gave up its traditional,
hierarchical character, where everything is
subordinated to music or to narrative.
Our opera is meant to be both
deadly serious and hilarious. In spite of
the possibly outrageous-sounding themes our
work tries to be an anti-spectacle: it has
no shock-effects, it is neither a thriller
nor an Aristotelian drama. We meant it to
have the feel of a poetic essay.
We are interested in touring with
this production. An English version of the
libretto is in preparation. We are also
preparing a video version of the opera. Not
a documentary of the stage version, but an
autonomous video based on the same material
as the stage version but not simulating it.
The video will come in two versions: a
single (video) channel version for screening
and television purposes and a multichannel
installation version suitable for gallery
and museum spaces.
Other artist can try their hands
on our material too: the script, the
libretto and the sheet music are available
for those willing to stage our opera without
Savikangas (1969–) is a Finnish
composer and musician. He studied
composition in the Sibelius Academy. His
main instrument as a musician is viola. In
addition to writing sheet and electronic
music he has been active as a performing
musician, both in the contemporary classical
side and in the realm of improvised music.
Juha-Pekka Hotinen (1957–) is a
Finnish theatre director and theorist. For
many years was the lecturer of dramaturgy in
Theatre Academy of Finland, but nowadays he
works at YLE,
the Finnish Broadcasting Company.
Teemu Mäki
(1967–) is a Finnish artist (doctor of fine
arts) active in various fields of art,
philosophy and politics.
The performers:
Two singers: Tuukka Haapaniemi
(bass), Susanna Tollet (alto)
A pianist: Ilmo Ranta
Four actors: Minna Harjuniemi,
Seppo Merviä, Jukka Ruotsalainen and Miikka
Light design: Tuukka Törneblom
Duration: 110 minutes
Financial support: The City of
Helsinki, Kiasma-theatre, LUSES (The
Foundation for the Promotion of Finnish
Music), The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Art
Council of the Uusimaa Region
Production: Finnish Contemporary
Theatre Museum, Kiasma-theatre.
Producer: Mirva Pulkkinen
Premiere: Kiasma-theatre October
6, 2005

(Photos of the Badminton-Opera
on this page: © Petri Virtanen / KKA)